Our Big Idea, a Mobile Gel Warmer!
The Ultra-Warmer is the product of an idea from a clinical sonographer. While an ultrasound student intern at Madigan Army Medical Center, Joseph S. Augustyn, noticed that all patients loved warm gel. Of course this is not a novel idea as ultrasound gel warmers already exist and function quite well. However, he noticed that the gel will cool quickly if removed from the warmer, which had to be plugged into the wall for power.
On constant trips to the ICU, he realized that by the time he walked with the machine from the ultrasound lab to the ICU, the gel would have cooled considerably. That problem nagged in his mind through graduation and into his career. At the University of Washington Medical Center, he spent a several hours on a shift traveling the hospital with his machine and cold gel. This issue plagued him.
During this time, an abstract idea of a traveling gel warmer started developing. He spent his evenings in the garage experimenting with different warming elements, metals, and power supplies. Eventually he was able to craft a working, albeit bulky prototype. The requirements for success were to have a functioning gel warmer that can be portable, that is, it does not have to be physically plugged into the wall. In addition it had to be portable. It had to be compact enough to travel with him with minimal effort.
After meeting a massage therapist who carried his massage oil in a nifty waist holster, Joseph had an aha moment. After searching the internet for a suitable holster to house the prototype warmer, he came up empty. Joseph then taught himself to sew via youtube, just enough to craft a suitable sized holster. The UltraWarmer and the UltraHolster went through several internal and design alterations, but eventually evolved into the patented product you see today.
We hope to bring warm gel, oils and lotions to all patients in an efficient and cost effective manner.